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Support BPE Studio’s Pan-African Projects GOFUNDME
We are looking for financial support to produced a series of projects that aim to elevate the Pan-Africanism experience globally. Our new projects in development such as “HAITI THE PRICE OF FREEDOM” and EMANCIPATION ODYSSEY (E.O.) shed the light on historical events with the aim of creating a movement to promote unity and educate people among all cultures around the globe.

E. O. Emancipation Odyssey: In the early 1820s a young African American couple Daniel and Solitude get on the run from their masters after a deadly incident occurred in their habitation’s farm. An historical journey begin that would affect humankind for generations to come.

HAITI The Price of Freedom:
“The Haiti Independence Debt involves an 1825 agreement between Haiti and France that included France demanding an indemnity of 150 million francs in five annual payments of 30 million to be paid by Haiti in claims over property – including Haitian slaves – that was lost through the Haitian Revolution in return for diplomatic recognition”.


It’s always a challenge to get the funds needed to bring a vision to life. After creating or producing many independent films, We’ve mastered our way to avoid common mistakes that often get in the way of raising money for projects.  Join our investment team and avoid major financial pitfalls and get closer to securing returns on investment:

Mindset Matters: We believe in the film industry there are hundreds of millions of dollars in return on investment possibilities for film projects globally. Anyone who joins our finance team can be on the way to experience steady return from the marketplace.

Business Structure: We professionally structure our project like a business. Therefore, it makes our investors comfortable investing in our structured entities. Setting up the right structure is important to us. We strive to make it attractive for potential investors and lay a path to fund continuously as a successful Entrepreneur.

Dream Big: We’ve got big dreams, and we’re ready to make the next blockbuster.  We build the experience and earn credibility to work on any size budgets.

Feature Project: We produced a number of short films, but feature films are our focus for investment. We aim at major theatrical or worldwide media distribution for funding opportunities.

Build The Audience: In the film industry, our network is our net worth. We are connecting with several platforms such as film festivals, streaming platforms and television networks which is a game-changer reality when it comes to marketability. Whether it’s through social media or community engagement, growing our audience makes it more realistic to succeed for potential investors.

Business Management: As much as we love the art of filmmaking, we understand it’s also a business. We don’t overlook the business side—we aim to partner with people who can fit as team players who can handle it and be productive together.  Join our investment venture. Let’s lift each other up and produce compelling films.

For more information about investment send us an email at: